I am having an issue with onlyoffice/documentserver:latest from DockerHub. I am trying to get a remote project of mine launched as a demo for my Masters in Information technology. I have a Windows VMware VM running Ubuntu 20 and the exact setup on my home lab. On my remote server, I have NextCloud loaded and decided to get Docker with Portainer a go. I loaded up onlyoffice and troubleshot getting SSL to work through a different port.
The Remote Ubuntu server has Apache2 running Nextcloud (bare, not Docker) and Docker running Portainer and DocumentServer. I got everything running and was able to proxy the docker container and change port 80 to 8081 after getting SSL certs. I changed to 433 and to 8443. I can access the subdomain to that server with no issues, and I get the “true” statement for the health check.
I CAN (could) NOT get Nextcloud to connect to Onlyoffice Document Server (running on the remote server) to accept any subdomain or internal IP version, no matter what block I put the server info in. The connector has the option for advanced settings with internal information. That didn’t work. I tried changing the config.php for Nextcloud with all the different combos I found with Google…
I even tried adding the subdomain as a trusted side, adding the JWL and the
“‘onlyoffice’ => array ( ‘verify_peer_off’ =>TRUE, ),”
Nothing works, so this leads to why I brought up my home lab. I decided to install a fresh instance of Nextcloud on there and give it a go. Shoot the same version and everything using VMware Ubuntu Server, same PHP versions, everything. I pointed to the sub-domain of my remote server, and bam, it connected, and I could edit documents… This tells me my proxy config in apache2 is working, and the container works, but Nextcloud locally on the remote server will not work. I also tried the Owncloud side loaded to Nextcloud on the remote server to see if it was Nextcloud, and nope, it wont connect either.
I checked admin>logging and found a weird error about index.php not being able to access .ocdata file. Re-did chown and chmod with no success.
REMOVED Nextcloud folder (remember this is Apache2 install). I used latest.zip from GitHub.
Unzipped new Nextcloud install with the same name (so I didn’t have to modify my Apache2 Proxy). This is a fresh-ish install. I connected it to the same database, but it went through the setup page again. Once logged in, I reinstalled the connector and put in everything for the docker container via my subdomain and it started working.
Theory - something got screwed up in my Remote Nextcloud install; the Fresh install on my home server worked, but I wasn’t getting the same errors. Note my remote Ubuntu VM with Nextcloud is only a week old with no one using it. I thought that since it was a recent install with nothing in it, I would just try to see what a fresh install would do. Fixed.
I can’t replicate the result - a fresh install after the docker install seems to have worked. I thought I would still share for documentation, which may help someone else.
Document Server version: onlyoffice/documentserver:latest.
Connector version: Nextcloud connector 7.6.8
DMS (platform) version: Nextcloud 25.0.1
OS: Ubuntu Server 20 and 22
Browser version: Chrome/Firefox
Attach logs if possible.