Hello guys,
I ran into a problem with the OnlyOffice integration with Nextcloud.
I have successfully installed OnlyOffice on a separate server in docker. I installed a self signed certificate for https.
Next i changed the fields in default.json into:
"rejectUnauthorized": false
When I try OnlyOffice through a browser on its IPv4 address, I can create a text document and edit it.
Now the integration with Nextcloud.
Nextcloud runs on a separate server in snap. It’s hidden behind cloudflare Zero Trust and I use a Google account to log in.
Now finally to the problem.
When I create or want to edit a document, OnlyOffice opens and displayed an error:
The document could not be saved. Please check connection settings or contact your administrator. When you click the “Okay” button, you will be prompted to download the document.
The versions of the software:
Nextcloud: 26.0.3
ONLYOFFICE document server: 7.4.0
Would anyone know how to help me?
I can provide other necessary information.
Hi, I am having the same issue… my local /example/ site works fine. I can also create a document in NextCloud using OnlyOffice plugin and start editing it. But immediately, when it autosaves, it locks me out. This is the error in the log from my OO server:
[2023-08-21T14:38:59.155] [ERROR] [localhost] [1423143543] [ocgbosgljwgj_jstrickland1] nodeJS - clientLog: changesError: Error: SecurityError: Permission denied to access property “dispatchEvent” on cross-origin object
Script: moz-extension://c51ddfeb-787b-ea48-afc5-99eadbb540db/js/inject.js
Line: 49:0
userAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/117.0
platform: MacIntel
isLoadFullApi: true
isDocumentLoadComplete: true
Selection: false
StackTrace: onKeyDownMouseDownToushStart@moz-extension://c51ddfeb-787b-ea48-afc5-99eadbb540db/js/inject.js:49:7
Does the issue always occur when opening any document?
Please go to connector settings page and make a screenshot of it. Then click on the Save button and make a new screenshot if there is any error. Send both screenshots to me.
Open the browser console (Console tab) and try to reproduce the issue with file opening. Make screenshots of any errors in the console. Then do the same with the Network tab of the console.
Can you send me Document Server logs (in private messages)
Check the accessibility of NS and DS to each other run wget https://document-server-address on the Nextcloud machine run wget https://nextcloud-address from inside the Document Server container
Solution for me was:
Document Server rejects local IP addresses by default. You can change this parameter to true in /etc/onlyoffice/documentserver/default.json to avoid the issue. { “services”: { “CoAuthoring”: { “request-filtering-agent”: { "allowPrivateIPAddress": true, “allowMetaIPAddress”: true },
After that please restart all Document server services inside the container with supervisorctl restart all command.
I requested the necessary information in PM.
When installing on a clean machine, there should be no issues with the functioning of the document server and the example.
Did you indeed install the document server on a clean machine?
I would advise you to create a new topic with the issue. After all, it’s possible that information regarding the system and installation may have changed.