Nextcloud ONLYOFFICE secure implementation

I’ve recently installed NEXTCLOUD opensource version on my website. Since I found the ONLYOFFICE App available, I’ve give-it a try. And I love-it!
Now I want to implement a full secured version, not a 30 day trial I have.
How can I do this?
I have a unmanaged website service: I can not access to all the functions, but only CPANEL options. Can you help on this?
Thank you.

Hello @lynce
We usually recommend to install Document server on the separate clean server. It’s necessary to avoid dependencies and port conflicts. There are guides for installation:

I have a unmanaged website service: I can not access to all the functions, but only CPANEL options.

I’m not sure that I understand you right. But Nextcloud integration is reached by ONLYOFFICE connector app as you mentioned it.

Also useful link: ONLYOFFICE Api Documentation - Nextcloud ONLYOFFICE integration app