Nextcloud Onlyoffice connector don't work for internet

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Document Server version: 8.1
Type of installation of the Document Server (docker, deb/rpm, exe, please point us to the installation guide that you used as well): Snap
Connector version: 9.30
DMS (platform) version: VM
OS: Ubuntun 20.04
Browser version: Edge
Additional information:

VM with Ubuntu 20.04, Snap installed Nextcloud 29 at port 80, and Document Server on same server but different port 8888, for settings of connector, I filled " Docs address:‘IP**:8888’ ", it’s OK for intranet use, and very fast.

Then I pointed a domain to this server , it’s OK to visit nextcloud through domain, but when open office files I got error “Onlyoffice cannot be reached, please contact admin”.

I tried to set another sub-domain for document server, then for connector I filled "Docs address: ‘myOnlyofficeDomain’ ", it works now for interent but take much longer time to open a file.

Since Nextcloud & Docs on same server, is there any way to let connector works without a domain for Docs?


Hello @adamw

If you do not want using domain name, then you can use Public IP of the server with Document Server. However, keep in mind that if Nextcloud runs on HTTPS and Document Server does not, you will face an error of insecure frame.

Also you can try setting up advanced settings of the connector, here is documentation on it: