Newer mail could not be displayed

I’m using webmail in onlyoffice with our mailsever (imap dovecot). This Server works finde for all clients. But since some days, our webmail in workspace does not display newer mails. Older Mails are displayed as usual.
The Mail-Header is displayed, and even attachments are displayed.
But the Body is not:

Is this known? Are there Logfiles, where I can find mor information?


Hello, @marno2703
You can see the logs for the community server here:

Windows C:\Program Files (x86)\Ascensio System SIA\CommunityServer\Logs
docker /app/onlyoffice/CommunityServer/logs/
linux /var/log/onlyoffice/

You can upload it to some external storage and provide us with download link.

But since some days, our webmail in workspace does not display newer mails.

Can you specify the date when this problem appeared?
Please point me to the guide which you used for installation and let me know workspace component versions (Community Server, Control Panel, etc.)

onlyoffice-communityserver/squeeze,now all [installiert]
onlyoffice-controlpanel/squeeze,now all [installiert]
onlyoffice-documentserver/squeeze,now 7.3.2-8~stretch amd64 [installiert]
onlyoffice-xmppserver/squeeze,now all [installiert]

It is a bit crazy (and as I’m Softwaredeveloper i know it is).
I think it started 2 weeks ago, with installing onlyoffice-update.
My colleague said, when it first appeared he could solve the displaying error with reloading. But now it happens with all (new) emails and it does not cahnge anything to reload. (Perhaps he only thinks that a reaload helps and he opened an older mail after relaod. Don’t now. for now, it is completely reproduceable. Even with “old” accounts, newly created accounts, etc.
Every other mailprogramm works as expected with the mailserver.
I tried many different mailserver, the problem is with all.
The Serversystem itself is dedicated to onlyoffice, and there is enough free space on the hdd.

Ohh, I read all the logs in “/var/log/onlyoffice/”
Why are there log in another place? :partying_face:

That directory does not exist.
I have the Logs in /var/log/onlyoffice (and /var/log/onlyoffice/mail) after I hab a look without some traffic on the system I found an error to this.
Seems like the fetching mail deamon does not write the maildata to hdd.
In: /var/www/onlyoffice/Data/addons/mail/Data/aggregator/00/00/01// are the old mails until 4.march. After this date there is no folder.

So the System could not find the mailfile, but has the mail in db.
The folder and parent is owned and writeable by user and group onlyoffice.

mail-aggregator.log sees this mail:
2023-03-15 12:43:59,068 INFO [35] ASC.Mail Mbox_8 - Message 21999 has been saved to mailbox 8 (

mail-aggregator.errors.log does not log an error for this mail.

I just created a new user to the system. this user got an email-account configured and there is a mail in inbox.
there is no userfolder under /var/www/onlyoffice/Data/addons/mail/Data/aggregator/00/00/01 created for this user.

When I SEND an mail from this new useraccount, the userfolder is created, the subfolder for the outbound mail is created, and the body-part is saved to this folder.
So, this outgoing mail is then displayed in onlyoffice without error.

And my last idea: /usr/bin/dotnet /var/www/onlyoffice/Services/MailAggregator/ASC.Mail.Aggregator.Service.dll is running under user onlyoffice

So I don’t know what happens there…

Hello, @marno2703

Sorry for the wait

Please reproduce the issue (try to open any file) and make a video with open browser’s console Network and Console tabs.

To open console Network and Console tabs please follow next scenario:

  • open a message that displays this issue;
  • open browser’s console (F12 in Chrome/Firefox/Edge);
  • reload the page;

We have to take a look at logs folder.
After reproduce the issue provide us with whole logs folder.
It’s located here: /var/log/onlyoffice/

I apologize for my inattention

The following paths are correct:

Windows C:\Program Files (x86)\Ascensio System SIA\CommunityServer\Logs
docker /app/onlyoffice/CommunityServer/logs/
linux /var/log/onlyoffice/

File? We are talking about mail :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The Problem is produced by mail aggregator, that is a worker. It has no effect to the Client / Browser.

I read all these logs, and I posted every problem found. Of course, I will not post complete logfiles to anyone who has no access rights to the servers. If there are some things you would like to check, I can do this and give you these parts of the logfiles.

But as I said, in short:

The problem is the aggregator is not creating the mail-folder and in followup not saving the body-parts on hdd.
Access rights are ok. aggregator is running under onlyoffice-user. Folder is owned by onlyoffice-user/group. Webmail is able to create these folder and saving the body parts when SENDING new mail. Webmail is running under the same user/group.
Aggregator logs nothing about that behavior.

Uhh, there is something I’ve not seen.

In /var/www/onlyoffice/Data/addons/mail/Data/aggregator/00/00/01/…
There is no incomeing mail saved. But I found the missing files in:


please note, the 4. Folder is Services, here. Something changed that at 4. March this year. Why ever.

There is a in

$STORAGE_ROOT in this file points to /var/www/onlyoffice/Services/Data

the file /var/www/onlyoffice/WebStudio/ points with $STORAGE_ROOT to


This seems to cause the problem. Is it save to change one of these?


We are checking the situation.
I will let you know when I get something.

Hmm, 1 week to check, if it is safe to change one configuration option?! :see_no_evil:

Hi @marno2703
Sorry for the late reply.

Yes, you can change the value.
The message bodies are stored in a folder that is written to /etc/onlyoffice/communityserver/storage.json

These settings must be the same in the configs of portals and aggregators.

If the settings are different, the message bodies are lost, because are in different places.

This seems not to be correct.
The value you mention is set to:

Although there is a Setting:

"storage" : "module" : 
        "name": "mailaggregator",
        "data": "666ceac1-4532-4f8c-9cba-8f510eca2fd1",
        "type": "disc",
        "path": "$STORAGE_ROOT\\addons\\mail\\Data\\aggregator",
        "virtualpath": "~/addons/mail/data/aggregator"

“storage” : “handler” : “property” is

            "name": "$STORAGE_ROOT",
            "value": "..\\Data\\"

This is not absolute. Perhaps this causes the Problem? Setting that value to an absolute path could solve the problem?
Of course this value should NOT be set to the message storage folder as you mentioned. I’m really shure this will not work.

If I understand this correct. aggregator has a different “current working directory” then the webportal. And because of that, setting the Directories not absolute results in failure.
So is it wanted to have this config set to the absolute path?
Why does a normal package-update result in such problems?


May I ask you to clarify the following information:

  1. Which version was updated from >

  2. Provide the contents of the file (values “name” and “value”): /etc/onlyoffice/community server/storage.production.json

  3. Output of the contents of the command:
    systemctl status onlyofficeMailAggregator.service

  4. How did you update the product? if possible, please share the link with the guide you used.

Have any changes been made to the mail services before the update?
Maybe you changed the paths before the update?