this is docker ps, and yes, its running without problems
So you rolled back to the older versions. What was the reason behind that?
Hi Constantine,
We have a live system which I backed up to try the update. This enabled us to update to the latest version. Just to test it. Now we wanted to do the whole thing again, i.e. backup live system, update and activate the updated system as a live system. Last time it worked with the instructions and the great tips in the forum, but this time it doesn’t work with the same image.
In general, the issue Docker pull argument exception: repository=onlyoffice/documentserver, tag=
could have been caused by the update of the repository so it was temporal issue. Can you confirm that this issue reproduces now anyway?
All in all, I’d ask you to run all guidelines provided by my colleague again to update.
still the same
root@g3-ubuntu-server-18:/tmp# wget
–2023-07-27 10:52:21--
Resolving (…, 18.6 6.97.103,, …
Connecting to (||:443 … connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 3571 (3,5K) [application/x-sh]
Saving to: ‘’
workspace-install.s 100%[===================>] 3,49K --.-KB/s in 0s
2023-07-27 10:52:21 (68,7 MB/s) - ‘’ saved [3571/3571]
root@g3-ubuntu-server-18:/tmp# bash -u true -ims false
Select ‘Y’ to install ONLYOFFICE using Docker (recommended). Select ‘N’ to insta ll it using RPM/DEB packages.
Please note, that in case you select RPM/DEB installation, you will need to manu ally install Mail Server and connect it to your ONLYOFFICE installation.
See instructions in our Help Center: ker/mail/connect-mail-server-to-community-server-via-portal-settings.aspx
Install with Docker [Y/N/C]? y line 108: [: missing `]’
Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 6 GiB (6442446848 bytes)
no label, UUID=a6fe29ee-6277-499a-8ae7-51a55b9ee297
5.5: Pulling from library/mysql
743f2d6c1f65: Pull complete
3f0c413ee255: Pull complete
aef1ef8f1aac: Pull complete
f9ee573e34cb: Pull complete
3f237e01f153: Pull complete
03da1e065b16: Pull complete
04087a801070: Pull complete
7efd5395ab31: Pull complete
1b5cc03aaac8: Pull complete
2b7adaec9998: Pull complete
385b8f96a9ba: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:12da85ab88aedfdf39455872fb044f607c32fdc233cd59f1d26769fbf439b045
Status: Downloaded newer image for mysql:5.5
ONLYOFFICE MYSQL SERVER is already installed.
7.16.3: Pulling from onlyoffice/elasticsearch
ea362f368469: Pull complete
0ccee306c4da: Pull complete
28688537d02c: Pull complete
aa5fb23d065d: Pull complete
89f4c512861d: Pull complete
bfcc724c6288: Pull complete
abb0ba51c947: Pull complete
5f53dd95410f: Pull complete
4b3820751286: Pull complete
0f68d14d3575: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:f09d622776b02012dbc8d63493e9bafac29cd03c2716f364262c15e3622ceda1
Status: Downloaded newer image for onlyoffice/elasticsearch:7.16.3
Docker pull argument exception: repository=onlyoffice/documentserver, tag=
i just took my old image which i could update a few month ago and i still get the same result, has the install script changed?
Digest: sha256:f09d622776b02012dbc8d63493e9bafac29cd03c2716f364262c15e3622ceda1
Status: Downloaded newer image for onlyoffice/elasticsearch:7.16.3
Docker pull argument exception: repository=onlyoffice/documentserver, tag=
I’m quite confused by your server management steps.
If I understand correctly, initially you have backed up a server (not the portal), then updated as per instructions here and everything was good. After that I don’t quite follow your message. Did you spin up another server and tried to restore your older server backup (with old versions) there to update again? I guess you have now two servers, please correct me if I’m wrong.
I could update it with these scripts
bash -u true -dv latest -ics false -icp false -ims false
bash -u true -cv latest -ids false -icp false -ims false
then it works, but sometimes after a few days the dokumentserver says i have no rights to do the action, after a restart of the documentserver it works fine, for a few days.
I use the latest version of the doc Server?
Any Ideas?
bash -u true -dv latest -ics false -icp false -ims false
bash -u true -cv latest -ids false -icp false -ims false
You have updated Document server and Community server with these commands. Please bear in mind, that there’s strict dependency between CS and CP versions. In other words, you have to update Control Panel too.
then it works, but sometimes after a few days the dokumentserver says i have no rights to do the action, after a restart of the documentserver it works fine, for a few days.
I use the latest version of the doc Server?
Any Ideas?
Please make sure that you are using the latest versions of components. When the situation reproduces again, please record a video file and provide us with Document server logs folder. It’s located here: /app/onlyoffice/DocumentServer/logs/documentserver/