@polt thank you, we are checking the situation.
We have reproduced the situation and added a bug to internal tracksystem. Thank you all for the valuable data! We have started working on it.
hi! is there still no solution to this bug?
one additional problem that was not mentioned so far, I believe:
the gif demonstrates something, and that is even more inconvenient: the pixel range for the cursor to use the positional functions like resizing collumns/lines or like copying things by pulling down is suuuper tiny. for each pulling-down-copy event i have to circle around that corner for a while to find the cross. this is quite inconvenient - and for someone who has good eyes but no patience even the bigger issue…
Hello @hirntot
We are still working on the mentioned bug. As for the new information, I believe this scenario is related to this bug directly. Thank you for the information!
We will update this thread once we have something to share.