Moodle integration w/Community docs: Adding other languages

Asking a how-to question
Document Server version: 7.2
Type of installation of the Document Server (docker)
OS: Debian Linux 12
Browser version: Firefox 123.0

Hello! I’ve successfully launched the ONLYOFFICE Docs Community Edition – I’ve even integrated it successfully with our university Moodle site (we’re just testing at the moment).

Is there a way to add a second and third language to the OO docs server? I’ve looked through the documentation but haven’t been able to find how to do that. Our Moodle site has multiple languages for the UI due to many international students, so I’d like them to see OO in their language if possible. Right now when the OO documents appear in Moodle, the interface shows in English.

I’ve underlined the Japanese text (from the Moodle interface) and the OO menus from my example assignment here.

Hello @tallthom
The editor interface language depends on appropriate setting on the Moodle side. If your users use different language on the Moodle side, they will get specified language in the editor interface.
You can simply check it out on your own, please go to … /user/preferences.php and change language. After that, please open the editor. I’ll leave screenshots here for reference:

Thank you for the reply! I’ll check it out. Still tweaking things a bit.

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