Minor bug - in the title bar the "(read only)" info should vanish once the file has been saved as a new one

Steps to reproduce:

  • open a spreadsheet with LibreOffice (for instance)
  • open it with OO also. In the title bar, the file is mentioned as “(read only)”.
  • save it as a new file
    The “(read only)” mention should vanish but is still there as long as the file is opened.
    Minor display issue without any other consequence.


Hello @arcqus
Please clarify your OS and version of Desktop Editors. I have checked this scenario on Windows, all things are OK.
Win 11 v22H2

Seems I have a lot of hard to reproduce issues :sob:.

Tested on 7.4.1, still the case.

Is it possible to record a video file with your test? Also please let us know the location of new file in your test. Do you save it to some network folder or to the same folder as original file located?

Hi @Alexandre
Here is a video recording:

  • I open a spreadsheet from a folder on my computer, with LO
  • I open it with OO, the “read only” property is displayed in the title bar
  • I “save it as” in the same folder, still on my computer
  • the “read only” text is still present in the title bar

(the gif is too big to be accepted by)

Thanks for the demo. I was able to reproduce the issue. We are analyzing it.

We have registered this issue as a bug and we are already working on it.
Thank you for reporting it.

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