Migration To another Server 2019

Yes, include mails into backup.

Please provide all logs of the portal for analysis.

Yes , offcorse where is logs to mail ?

All logs are located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Ascensio System SIA\CommunityServer\Log\.
You can upload them to any cloud storage and share a link.

Hi Constantine. there link to share Logs - Copy.rar - Google Drive

Thank you. I indeed see several errors in the logs. However, please specify if the backup was made on the portal with different version of the current one on which it was restored.

Yes, the issue is that on the old server, I don’t know why the documentserver takes an old version, in the Windows control panel, version 8 appears and version 4 appears in the control panel. Even the server Old man, the only thing that doesn’t work for me is the document server, I get that I have an error with the token

Do I understand correctly that both portals are still running? Can you provide versions of all components from both portals? You can find versions in Control Panel > Update section.

I was finally able to solve the problem.

It was simpler than it seemed.

I uninstalled the document server, and deleted all traces of its installation. After this I reinstalled the system and it worked.

Thank you very much I learned a lot

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