Migrating from OLD docker community edition to latest Debian hosted version

OLD Docker hosted Onlyoffice Version

Want to migrate ALL my folders/documents to latest community edition running on bare metal host (Ubuntu 20)

Worrying about the database !


You have to upgrade the current installation first:
bash workspace-install.sh -u true
After that you can use the Backup/Restore feature for migration:
Pay attention to the machinekey part of the guide.

Hi Carl.
I’m seeing an error in web.controlpanel.04-25.log
2022-04-25 18:57:48 - error: http://onlyoffice-community-server/api/2.0/settings/controlpanel.json Unexpected token in JSON at position 0
2022-04-25 18:57:48 - error: http://onlyoffice-community-server/api/2.0/portal.json Unexpected token in JSON at position 0
2022-04-25 18:57:48 - error: http://onlyoffice-community-server/api/2.0/people/@self.json Unexpected token in JSON at position 0
2022-04-25 18:57:48 - error: http://onlyoffice-community-server/api/2.0/settings/controlpanel.json Unexpected token in JSON at position 0
2022-04-25 18:57:48 - error: http://onlyoffice-community-server/api/2.0/settings/companywhitelabel.json Unexpected token in JSON at position 0
2022-04-25 18:57:48 - error: http://onlyoffice-community-server/api/2.0/portal.json Unexpected token in JSON at position 0
2022-04-25 18:57:48 - error: http://onlyoffice-community-server/api/2.0/people/@self.json Unexpected token in JSON at position 0
2022-04-25 18:57:48 - error: http://onlyoffice-community-server/api/2.0/settings/companywhitelabel.json Unexpected token in JSON at position 0
2022-04-25 18:57:48 - error: http://onlyoffice-community-server/api/2.0/settings/controlpanel.json Unexpected token in JSON at position 0
2022-04-25 18:57:48 - error: http://onlyoffice-community-server/api/2.0/portal.json Unexpected token in JSON at position 0
2022-04-25 18:57:48 - error: http://onlyoffice-community-server/api/2.0/people/@self.json Unexpected token in JSON at position 0
2022-04-25 18:57:48 - error: http://onlyoffice-community-server/api/2.0/settings/companywhitelabel.json Unexpected token in JSON at position 0
2022-04-25 18:57:48 - error: http://onlyoffice-community-server/api/2.0/settings/controlpanel.json Unexpected token in JSON at position 0
2022-04-25 18:57:48 - error: http://onlyoffice-community-server/api/2.0/portal.json Unexpected token in JSON at position 0
2022-04-25 18:57:48 - error: http:/

docker ps -a
oot@forscotland:/app/onlyoffice/ControlPanel/logs# docker ps -a
4d46056fc4fe onlyoffice/controlpanel: “/var/www/onlyoffice…” 53 minutes ago Up 13 minutes>80/tcp,>443/tcp onlyoffice-control-panel
3f2c75cce1a5 onlyoffice/documentserver “/app/ds/run-documen…” About an hour ago Up 36 minutes>80/tcp,>443/tcp onlyoffice-document-server
2d2ded345931 onlyoffice/communityserver “/app/run-community-…” 12 months ago Up 35 minutes 3306/tcp, 5280/tcp, 9865-9866/tcp, 9871/tcp, 9882/tcp, 9888/tcp,>5222/tcp,>80/tcp,>443/tcp onlyoffice-community-server
2105951d1272 mysql:5.7 “docker-entrypoint.s…” 12 months ago Up 37 minutes>3306/tcp, 33060/tcp

is due to the OLD key?

Due to the new mechanism of the password encryption, there is no possibility to restore the password from the backup using the core.machinekey key which differs from the original one. To ensure correct portal operation, specify the old server key in the web.appsettings.config , TeamlabSvc.exe.Config files, and in the Control Panel production.json config file before restoring the backup on a new server.

For the Docker version, you can replace machinekey here /app/onlyoffice/CommunityServer/data/.private/machinekey and restart the Community Server container. It’s also possible to use the mk parameter in the installation script to specify the machinekey when installing ONLYOFFICE Workspace. E.g., bash workspace-enterprise-install.sh -mk yourmachinekey or bash workspace-install.sh -mk yourmachinekey.

Any help appreciated…

Hello Ivan,

Is this on your original server?
Have you executed the script with -u true parameter? bash workspace-install.sh -u true
I can’t see the version of Community Server in your output.
Is there any error in the web interface of the portal or Control Panel? Please make screenshots.

H Carl, yes this was the orginal server. (backed up 1st) The portal is running on 9443, https, but I cnanot connect to it. The JSON errors are what gets outputed.

Screenshot from 2022-04-26 08-05-13

Hello Ivan,

I see several strange things:

  1. Community Server wasn’t updated, although Control Panel was.
    Were there any errors when you ran the installation script with -u true parameter? This is what probably causes the issue because there is a correlation between CS and CP versions, you have to use the latest ones for compatibility.
  2. Workspace components use non-standard ports in your installation. Have you altered the installation script or have you manually deployed the containers on custom ports? During the update, the script removes current containers and deploys the new ones on standard ports. Are these blocked on your server?

Please close the ticket carl… I have another way to migrate the data. I have an install issue.