On a Linux Ubuntu 20.04 LTS VM I installed Onlyoffice Workspace Community Ver. performed via script to which during execution I replied with N (no Docker).
I would like to migrate all the data on a new installation carried out on another VM equipped with Linux Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on which I have installed the same version of Onlyoffice Workspace Community always via script to which, however, I answered with Y during the installation (Docker).
First of all I must say that the installation with Docker seems to be better as the Mail Server works correctly and Onlyoffice version updates and SSL certificates can be easily done from Control Panel.
I made a Full Backup from the Control Panel of the production installation (the one installed without Docker), but I can no longer log in after restoring the new Server where the Onlyoffice installation with Docker is present.
I have read that in order to restore a Backup on a new installation, the core.machinekey hash must match.
The problem is that the production Onlyoffice hash code is as follows:
“Vskoproizvolny Salt par Chivreski”
instead of an alphanumeric string similar to this: vaD7xGXGV432
and that it is possible to implicitly impose a hash key when running the installation script via the following command:
bash workspace-install.sh -ims true -md “mail.mydomain.com” -mk vaD7xGXGV432
but I don’t know if it is correct to use this method for migration from no Docker to Docker.
I am confused and would like to know, if there is a migration procedure.
Thank you.