Message box with macro

Hello, is there any form of interaction with the user as a msg box (alert box) with macro in Onlyoffice for Desktop?

Hello @erialdopereira

Please provide us a detailed usage scenario of message boxes in macro that you want to achieve.

I have a spreadsheet where users fill in cells and if any are empty I write a message in a cell informing empty cells and if all fields are filled in I write that the registration was successful but this message should disappear after a user interaction but it remains in the cell. A message box like in Excel and Libreoffice would be interesting.

Unfortunately, this scenario cannot be achieved right now.
We have enhancement suggestion to add possibility to call message boxes from plugins/macros registered in our internal tracker under the number 56045.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

I join the request.
Displaying a message to the user is one of the most important functions in macros. This is necessary in all cases of incorrect data selection by the user, lack of access to the required data, and in many other cases.
Of course, you can advise to use a specific cell for macro results or errors. But this is inconvenient, because: 1) the user can run the macro on the wrong sheet, then the cell with data can be overwritten by the message;
2) in this case, the file is changed, which is not always necessary if the macro not perform its functions,
3) the purpose of the macro may be to check the data in the file for correctness, i.e. file modification is not required at all.

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Hello @AladdinZean

Thanks for showing interest to this feature.
I have added your request to the suggestion too.