Make the zoom value stay the way user sets it up, rather than reverting to default

Every time I set the zoom value the way I want(for example at 50%), after I finish in one of the onlyoffice applications and when I save my work, and when I exit any of the onlyoffice application(Document, Spreadsheet etc.) and enter it again, the default zoom value returns to 100%. I want the zoom value to stay the way I set it up in the onlyoffice app(if I set zoom value of course), and not to restore the zoom back to default. I this can be made, make it, if not, then leave the way it is.

Hello @nicesto

We are taking closer look at this suggestion.
I will let you know when any news come up.

Hello @nicesto

We have come to a conclusion that the preservation of zoom value may not be that comfortable for all editors. However, such possibility exists in MS Word, so we have registered an enhancement suggestion number 62226 to add similar functionality for document editor.

Hello again @nicesto

This suggestion was implemented in new version 7.5. To preserve zoom settings, navigate to File tab > Advanced Settings > WorkspaceDefault Zoom Value and select in drop-down list Last used to activate it.

New version of Desktop Editors is already available, please update your application. We are looking forward to your feedback.


I have tested this feature, it’s ok, but there is one thing that I don’t like. When setting the default zoom value for example to 70% for Documents, this 70% also applies to other Documents. I only want this to apply to the current document and not the others. For example, I have Document 1, Document 2, Document 3, Document 4, I have set 70 % zoom value for Document 1, and the rest Document 2, 3, 4 are 100% zoom value. It would be better to add an option to apply the zoom value only for the current document we choose and not to affect the other Documents. This also goes for Spreadsheets, Presentation etc.

Hello again @nicesto

Thank you for the feedback. I must ask - have you seen any editors that allow doing this?