Make easier to download

This program was very difficult to install. I have not tested it fully yet, but I wanted to let you know that if you want to get enterprise customers, you need to be successful with individual trials first.

In that case, you fail.

In order to install on linux, I had to jump through hoops. I could not easily find a free version link. Only after signing up for a web account could I find a free version to install locally. This is where you fail. Why? Because I will try harder than the average person.

It looks nice.
It looks like a lot of effort has been put into it.
It looks like you failed to have common sense for personal installs. The first impression is what lasts and how word of mouth spreads.

Hello @bksubhuti
Could you please describe the situation as detailed as possible? What product did you try to install and what exactly was difficult?
All official installation guides are located on our website: Installation Guides - ONLYOFFICE
Guides are divided depending on the product, and there are Community versions (free versions) for each of them.

I eventually downloaded the deb file for running on my laptop.
That was what I was looking for , but it was very difficult to find.

I found it but I’m letting you know that it is easy to give up and difficult to find.

I think I had to create a user account, then I found it in the online version.
That should not be like that.

I clicked on the link… and that just proves that you make things complicated. You are too interested in promoting your server edition, whatever that does. I think most people will just want to install a dmg, deb, or exe, yet you make that very difficult to find.

Hello @bksubhuti

As far as I understand, you were looking for the Desktop editors. If so, the installation guides are available in the link above. The link for Desktop editors specifically: Installation Guides - Desktop Editors - ONLYOFFICE
Additionally, the installation files can be found here: ONLYOFFICE desktop and mobile apps | ONLYOFFICE
All links, guides and files are available without any registration.

Please accept our apologies if the installation process caused difficulties. If it’s possible, please provide us with your exact steps\usage scenario of installation, so we will be able to check it out and decide if anything can be improved.