Login error

I have a problem with when new users will access a room. When sending a room link, new users are unable to log in and are presented with the message “Your profile is suspended”.

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Hello, @rodrigofelipe :handshake:
Please provide the following information for clarification:

  1. Are you using the DocSpace cloud solution or have you deployed the solution on your own server?

  2. What type of license are you using?

  3. Did the issue start occurring immediately after inviting the first users?

  4. Please check the user profiles with issues in the “accounts” section?
    Account → active?

Hello, Nicolas.

Answering your questions:

  • I am using the DocSpace cloud solution.

  • The problem appeared when trying to invite the first user.

  • The accounts are active.


May I kindly request that you create a video recording demonstrating the step-by-step process of adding a new user?
I am willing to act as the new user within your DocSpace to precisely document the issue. :upside_down_face:

We can continue our communication in PM.

Could you tell me your credentials for creating the user?

I have replied in private message.

In PM, we successfully managed to create a user and gain access to the room.

Could you please confirm if the issue is still occurring?

Nicolas, can you open a specific file?
I sent the file name privately.

No, unfortunately, I can’t.

@rodrigofelipe Can I download this file for testing?

@Nikolas Were you able to download the file for analysis?

@rodrigofelipe :wave:
No, I didn’t download it. I was waiting for your permission to download the file.
Could I ask you to provide the file in a private message or share a link to an external storage service?

You are authorized to download the file. If you need access to it via a link, just guide me which way you need it.

Please send me the file in a private message or post it here if it doesn’t contain sensitive information.
You can also use an external storage service to provide a download link for your file.

(I can’t log in to your DocSpace)

@Nikolas I sent the file on private.

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Thank you for the file!

We need some time to investigate the issue.
As soon as we have any information or updates regarding the file, we will let you know.

Hello @rodrigofelipe :wave:

We reproduced the issue by opening a PDF file and have created a bug report for this editor behavior.

Unfortunately, I can’t provide a specific timeline for the fix at the moment. As soon as I have more detailed information or the issue is resolved, I’ll let you know.

Hello @Nikolas. I await your return.