Loading AI Plugin on Docker version does not work


I am trying to load and configure the AI plugin in the Only Office Community in the Docker container directly for test but the plugin is not showing on the installed plugins list and it should show a new AI tab as well.

The way that I tried as of now is the following:

  1. connect to a running Docker instance
  2. clone the GitHub - ONLYOFFICE/onlyoffice.github.io: ONLYOFFICE plugins. Code, resources, and styling for the Plugin Marketplace and Plugins Manager.
  3. get the plugin with UID {9DC93CDB-B576-4F0C-B55E-FCC9C48DD007}
  4. create a folder in /var/www/onlyoffice/documentserver/sdkjs-plugins
  5. update local.json with /etc/onlyoffice/documentserver/local.json with:
    "plugins": { "autostart": [ "asc.{9DC93CDB-B576-4F0C-B55E-FCC9C48DD007}" ]},
  6. and then doing supervisorctl restart all

From what I have seen the config.json for the AI plugin is loaded by request but it does not show as an activated plugin and does not display its own tab:

Any advice on this would be appreciated.

The end goal would be to limit the AI usage per editor instance, meaning that I would load the plugin configuration (Open AI key) only when there is a setting for it.

If there is other ways to do this please let me know, or what am I missing for now.

Kind Regards,