Listenings desktop editor events

Can i listen event from desktop editor in plugin. For example, when user selected a Content control?

Also can i see normal names of vars (execureMethod or callComand) image

Hello @Bellkyn

Can i listen event from desktop editor in plugin. For example, when user selected a Content control?

Do you mean something like these? ONLYOFFICE Api Documentation - Events
As for your second post: ‘Also can i see normal names of vars (execureMethod or callComand)’
Please clarify your request, I’m not sure that I understand it right.

returns me

but should return
Also it impossible to change color of CC

Sorry for the late reply.
We have reproduced the situation and we added a bug to internal tracksystem (internal number - 58093).
We have started working on it.

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Can i check state of bug fixing?

Hello @Bellkyn
We are still working on it. I will notify you when we have something to share.

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Okay, thank you :slight_smile: