Linux sandbox / firejail: Which directories are required to whitelist?

OS version: 6.10.6-arch1-1
App version:
Downloaded from: Arch repo

I am using firejail to sandbox applications and noticed that no onlyoffice profile exists yet.
I tried creating one and used the libreoffice profile as a template.
Sadly it seems like onlyoffice needs access to more directories are of right now I don’t have:

  • Recent files shown in onlyoffice
  • It will not save my selected language / regional settings when re-starting onlyoffice

Current whitelist:

include libreoffice.profile

noblacklist ${HOME}/.config/onlyoffice
noblacklist ${HOME}/.config/kdedefaults

whitelist ${HOME}/Downloads/
whitelist ${HOME}/THW/
whitelist ${HOME}/Documents/

You can find the firejail profile libreoffice.profile and all of the included profiles here:


Hello @zakazak

Please share some more details on how Desktop Editors app is installed. If you’ve followed a guide, please share a link to it.

Are opened files located in white-listed directories?

Do you mean that app does not save these settings for existing files or newly created ones?

Hello @Constantine

It was installed on Archlinux AUR via sudo paru -S onlyoffice-bin

Yes all files are in the whitelisted directories (else I couldn’t even open them)

It does not save those settings for ANY file. No matter whether new or existing, as long as onlyoffice is run in the sandbox.

I believe this package is used, is that correct?

@Constantine yes, correct! :slight_smile:

Firstly, I have to mention that this package is developed by the community and we are not responsible for that.
Also, I was informed that Desktop Editors were not tested under firejail, so I’m afraid I cannot provide any hints on how to create proper profile. Sorry for inconvenience.

If you manage to find the solution, please feel free to share it with the community. I will keep this topic opened for further info or for other people who seek information on how to run Desktop Editors under firejail.


That is why I am posting here - I am trying to make a profile in Firejail to make this work and provide it publicly to firjail.

I just need to know which directories onlyoffice needs access to in order to fully function. That way I can whitelist those directories.

I am sure this will be the same for official onlyoffice as well as the community driven arch package?!

I figured it out on my own. This is a working firejail profile for onlyoffice based on libreoffice.profile:

ignore blacklist ${HOME}/.config/onlyoffice
ignore blacklist ${HOME}/.local/share/onlyoffice
ignore join-or-start libreoffice

whitelist ${HOME}/.config/onlyoffice
whitelist ${HOME}/.config/kdedefaults
whitelist ${HOME}/.local/share/onlyoffice/

include libreoffice.profile

join-or-start onlyoffice-desktopeditors
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Well done! Thank you for sharing it with the community!