Link to spreadsheet or insert spreadsheet elements in a document

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I’m wondering if it is possible to link to a spreadsheet within a document? My requirement is to have a random number in the document. I’m fairly sure this is easily done in a spreadsheet but I can’t see how to reference a spreadsheet from within a document. Is this possible?

Also slightly related, is it possible to mail merge?

Hello @mattdale
As for mail merge, please check it out Use Mail Merge - ONLYOFFICE
I believe that this is different scenario.

As for your general request (’ [Link to spreadsheet or insert spreadsheet elements in a document’), we are checking the situation. I will update this post when we get any news.

Thank you Alexandre. I’ll check out the mail merge. It will satisfy some of my requirements at least

As for your general request (’ [Link to spreadsheet or insert spreadsheet elements in a document’), we are checking the situation. I will update this post when we get any news.

We found a match with suggestion 57355 in our internal tracksystem. We are working on this feature at the moment. I will update this post when we release it.

Thanks for the update