Launching only office 8.0 appimage error

it is not possible to launch only office 8.0 ape image gives the error cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I run on the ROSA Linux distribution 12.4 Fresh, the library is installed in the system, the rights to the program image are granted. Please tell me how to solve the problem with running the program.

Hello @starikhatabjch
Please note that official languages of this forum are English and Chinese. Please rewrite your topic and let us know what you have faced.

it is not possible to launch only office 8.0 ape image gives the error cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I run on the ROSA Linux distribution 12.4 Fresh, the library is installed in the system, the rights to the program image are granted. Please tell me how to solve the problem with running the program.

Hello @starikhatabjch
Please reproduce the situation and show us your steps and the error itself in the terminal.