Latest docspace shows error pages on ALL browsers after a few hours of good runtime

Platform: latest docker build of Docspace

Host O.S. uname -a
Linux ubuntu22 6.8.0-40-generic #40~22.04.3-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Tue Jul 30 17:30:19 UTC 2 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

I See error in latest firefox, chrome

When browsing the docspace homepage customers see one page ,

Application error: a server-side exception has occurred (see the server logs for more information). Digest: 691811448

The service runs fines for several hours THEN the error above appears

What logs can I supply to help?

Hello @ivan

Version 2.6.2 has been released recently, please try updating in the first place and let us know if issue reproduces after running an update for further troubleshoot.

Hi Constantine , great news. Appreciate it. Are there install notes for how to upgrade the docker install on ububtu? I guess it will just pull new images? Will configs be lost?

Is this still relevant?
How to update to ONLYOFFICE DocSpace v2.5 | ONLYOFFICE Blog

Updated, I will let you know how things go. the upgrade process was smooth.

Looking forward to your feedback.

The site ran smoothly for about 18 hours then the error returned.

Attaching docker ps and a screen shot of the error, and also some debug from Chrome Inspect.

What can I do to help resolve this?

A reboot brings the system back to normal.


Hello Ivan,
Sorry for the delayed response, please provide DocSpace logs, you can obtain them by running the following script: bash /app/onlyoffice/config/docspace-logs
After the script is executed, logs should appear in /app/onlyoffice/logs/ on the host

This was due to a memory leak, NOT in Docspace, but in NFT tables I was using to exclude specific CIDR blocks from connecting to the service.

I’d say perhaps this could be a FAQ item?

If customers see the error I showed here, ask them IF they are using NFT Linux kernel tables.

PLEASE close the ticket, as always OnlyOffice staff and product rock ;)!


Glad to know that the initial issue was resolved, thank you for sharing and for your kind words! Have a good day.

The error itself can occur to a number of reasons, so the precise analysis would be needed in each particular case, although this option that you mentioned (NFT Linux kernel tables) also should be probed into.

I’ll close this thread as you suggested