Korean Input Bug: Repeated Character on Line Break in DocSpace / DocSpace에서 한글 입력 시 마지막 글자 중복 현상


이미지 처럼 한글 입력 후에 줄바꿈 시 이전 마지막 글자가 입력되는 현상이 있습니다.
한글 입력시에 작성중인 글자가 포커싱(밑줄) 되면서 유지 되다가 글자가 미완성 상태에서 줄바꿈을 할 시에 남아있던 데이터가 중복 입력되는 것으로 보입니다. 중복 입력이 안되도록 할 수 있나요?


Like the image, there is a phenomenon in which the last letter of the previous letter is entered when a line is changed after entering Korean.
When typing in Korean, it appears that the remaining data are repeatedly entered when the characters are being written and maintained as focused (underlined). Can you prevent duplicate input?


DocSpace version :
Type of installation of the DocSpace : docker (Nextcloud-AIO with included onlyoffice)
OS : Ubuntu Server 24.04.1 LTS
Browser version : Chrome 131.0.6778.140 64bit, Microsoft Edge 131.0.2903.86 64bit
Additional information:
NPM(Nginx Proxy Manager) use, Nextcloud-AIO

Hello @HSKim

Thank you for the report. I have to inform you that this issue has already been registered and your query was added to it.

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