Jump to End of Document

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Device: Pixelbook Go (Chromebook)
OS version: 104.0.5112.83
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What is keyboard shortcut to jump to end of long document?

Dear user!
You can jump to the end of the spreadsheet by just pressing **Ctrl + End**.

There is no End key on a Pixelbook Go (Chromebook)


All the needed information about shortcuts you can find in the following link.

Thank you, but the only applicable answer in the table is for Windows keyboards, not for Chromebooks, which I have.

Dear Wayne,
If you are used to Windows keyboards, you may notice that the Chromebook keyboard is missing some keys. You can fix this by using Alt (or Search) + Up for Page Up , and Alt (or Search) + Down for Page Down . To use Home and End to go to the top and bottom of the page, use Ctrl + Alt + Up and Ctrl + Alt + Down respectively.
Best wishes

Hi Diane

Thank you again. But those solutions don’t work for me. I also have a Page Unresponsive problem with my Chromebook. I have tried different software, but I can’t seem to do documents. With Google Docs I can jump to the end of the document, but there are other issues. I guess I am going to have to do documents on my Windows machine which seems to work consistently well. However, it is not as convenient for me.

Regards, Wayne

Dear Wayne,
Unfortunately these are the only solutions that we could provide.
In case you have any other questions feel free to ask.