Issue with Page Duplication

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OS version: Windows 10
App version: (x64 exe)
Downloaded from: ONLYOFFICE website

I created a party invitation and intended to duplicate pages so that I could simply change the names. However, every time I attempted to do this in OnlyOffice, the formatting consistently became disrupted. In MS Word it work fine.


I also tried to use the combine feature, but I suppose it functions differently than I expected:

Here is the file:
Zaproszenie(2).docx (4.4 MB)

If You have any questions, please free to ask :grinning:

Hello @dedoci

May I know the version of MS Office that is used in this comparison video?

Please take a look at what this feature does in our Help Center:

MS Office app version is 2312 (for students, provided by University so I guess its something like MS365):

Thank you for sharing. May I also know if this document was originally created on MS platform? If not, please let me know on which if you know, of course.

Sure, document originally was created in MS Word 2016.

Thanks for sharing requested information. We are checking the situation with provided file.
I will update the thread once any news come up.