Issue with Comments interaction with Plugin and editor

Document Server version: 8.2.2


I have a use case where I have a plugin that can add comments to the document and also the same can be done on the editor.

When the comments added through editor are modified by the plugin (edited), the editor considers that the edited comment is not of the author and doesn’t allow to edit or resolve (editCommentAuthorOnly : true).
Seems like UserId has to be added to the comment data ( from which resolves the issue.

But there is an issue if multiple editors are in the session
ex:- User1 and User2 are co-editing

  1. User1 adds a comment from editor.
  2. User2 replies to the comment from plugin.

User1 can’t edit or resolve their comment, because User2 has added a reply with UserId field set, but for the parent comment UserId won’t be set.

The comment interaction from the plugin is done using the window.Asc.plugin.executeMethod("ChangeComment",[comment.Id, comment.Data]) method where the Data will have all the replies to a comment.

Due to this comment authors are mismatched in the editor and can’t take further action.

Any help here is appreciated

Hello @editor_pro,
Thank you for reporting the issue. We are currently analyzing it. I will get back to you as soon as we have any news to share.

Thanks for looking into the issue.

This is the example link followed for plugin :- sdkjs-plugins/example_extended_comments/scripts/code.js at master · ONLYOFFICE/sdkjs-plugins · GitHub

Hey @Carl
Hope you’re doing well.

Is there any update on the above-mentioned issue? Is it a bug in OnlyOffice, or is there something wrong with the implementation?


Hello @editor_pro,
Sorry, no news yet. I suppose this is a bug but our QA team is still looking into it.

Hey @Carl
Hope you’re doing well.

Is there any update on the issue mentioned above?
Was the bug reproduced by your QA team?


Hello @editor_pro,
It looks like the bug is resolved in the upcoming Document Server 8.3.1. Release is planned in 1-2 weeks.

Hey @Carl ,
Upgraded to 8.3.1 and it seems like the issue still persists.
Is is fixed? or is there some config that needs to added?


Hello @editor_pro,
I have re-checked the issue with 8.3.1 and it is still reproduced indeed. We are going to look into it. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hello @editor_pro,
We have registered this issue as a bug. Once it is resolved, I will let you know.