Issue in Clean Ubuntu server 22.04

I was trying to compile Onlyoffice Docs from source code using this guide: Compiling ONLYOFFICE Docs for a local server - ONLYOFFICE

Can I get help for this? It is 100% reproducible, since I tried this on 3 different machines. Reinstalled OS and still get the same output

I suppose this issue is also mentioned here: Build OnlyOffice ubuntu 16.04 · Issue #625 · ONLYOFFICE/build_tools · GitHub

Please note this is a clean OS with nothing installed
And similar to this issue: What exactly is Document Server 20 connection limit?

However my device supports x86_64 architecture

Hello @OnlyOfficeTester
Do you have any firewall in front of your server? It seems that there’re some restrictions which impact qt.

Yes. It fixed it. thank you

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