Is it technically feasible to implement customized Spell-Checker through plugin?

Document Server version: 6.4
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OS: Centos7.9
Browser version: Microsoft Edge Version 115.0.1901.188 (Official build) (64-bit)

Hi, I’m finding ways to implement my customized spell-checker (because default spell-checker just contains specified languages, but not contains mine need)
I read Api-documents, plugin examples, and discussions about that. I see one similar discussion]. I wonder some details about how to develop a plugin.
Here’s my questions:

  • Can I call plugin out of the editor or just in Plugin panel on the top? For example, can I create a button out of editor to control my plugin turn on/off.
  • Can I add element into the right-click menu? Just like what built-in spellchecker do provide alternatives in right-click menu.
  • I don’t find a way to extract contexts to String without user’s ‘selection’ operation in the Plugin-Api-Document. Is it possible to extract all contents in editor without any user’s operation?

English is not my native language, excuse typing errors.
I previously posted this discussion on GitHub[Is it technically feasible to implement customized SpellChecker through plugin? · ONLYOFFICE/DocumentServer · Discussion #2312 · GitHub] but no answers.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

Hello @Shang
First of all, please take a look at this title:Adding new fonts, languages and spellcheckers to ONLYOFFICE Docs - ONLYOFFICE
It describes the possibility of adding new spellchecking dictionary. Probably it will be useful.

As for your request in general. You can’t run a plugin from outside, probably it’s better to add it to autostart: ONLYOFFICE Api Documentation - Config

As for right click menu, yes, it’s possible: ONLYOFFICE Api Documentation - AddContextMenuItem

I don’t find a way to extract contexts to String without user’s ‘selection’ operation in the Plugin-Api-Document. Is it possible to extract all contents in editor without any user’s operation?

I’m not sure that I understand this part of message, please provide us with details of desired scenario.

Also, probably this method will be useful in your scenario: ONLYOFFICE Api Documentation - InputHelper
Plugin example with inputhelper: sdkjs-plugins/example_autocomplete at master · ONLYOFFICE/sdkjs-plugins · GitHub

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