Is it possible to sync sent and received emails older than 1 month (IMAP/SMTP)

I’ve just got onlyoffice workspace up and running and I’ve set up my emails by connecting to my existing mail server.

The problem is it’s only giving me about a month’s worth of previous sent and received emails and I need to access some information from 2 or 3 months ago, is there some setting to increase the amount of emails OnlyOffice downloads form my mail server?

Alternatively, is there some command I can run via SSH to have the onlyofficeMailAggregator service or something like that download the older emails as a one-off so that I have access to them?

Failing all that Is there perhaps a way I could manually import them into my inbox and sent folder?

Community server version:
Control panel version:
Type of installation of Workspace: docker
OS: Debian 12

hey @timbell :handshake:

You just need to uncheck the box when connecting the email account

I figured it out, it’s this checkbox in the account settings:

Basically, 2 settings - download 30 days worth of emails or download all the emails.

It seemed to take just about all day to download them all but that’s quite understandable, I had better check to see if my server instance needs more disk space allocated to it now.

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Ah, I think we posted that at about the same time, thanks very much anyway!

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