iPadOS landscape mode onscreen keyboard hides text

ONLYOFFICE Mobile: Documents / Projects / Web Editors
Do you want to: Report a bug
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Device: iPad 10
OS version: iPadOS 18.2.1
App version:
Mode: On Device
Additional information:
Open 1 page DOCX, Edit, select text entry near bottom on page, onscreen keyboard pops up hiding text and page will not scroll up to see text being entered.

Problem not noted in portrait mode.

I was able to workaround this problem by pinch-shrinking OSC. IMO, this is not a preferred solution.

Hello @HlcRaleighNC
Thank you for the detailed description of the situation, we are looking into it. I will contact you as soon as possible.

Dear @HlcRaleighNC
The mentioned situation will be fixed in v.8.3. Thank you for the valuable data!

Problem was addressed in recent update. Thank you.

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