Integration Issue with OnlyOffice Editor in Spring Boot Application

Hello OnlyOffice Team,

I’m currently in the process of integrating OnlyOffice with Spring Boot application, following the guidelines provided at Spring boot integration guidlines. I have successfully configured the document server(latest version) on my server and can access the example without any issues. However, when I attempt to access the editor through Spring Boot application, I encounter an error. The homepage displays correctly, but when I try to open a document, I receive the error depicted in the attached image. For your reference, I’ve also included my local.json and files here."

Hello @ajay
I’ve noticed that you open the editor via localhost on your screenshot. Does the situation reproduce if you are using domain name\ip address? If so, please reproduce it and provide us with whole Document server logs folder. It’s located here:
docker: /app/onlyoffice/DocumentServer/logs/documentserver/
deb\rpm: /var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver/
Windows: Program Files\ONLYOFFICE\DocumentServer\log

hi @Alexandre,

Thank you for your response. I have successfully resolved the issue on my local machine. However, I am now facing a problem on a Windows Server 2019 environment. When I attempt to open the editor, it continues to load indefinitely. I used the Windows executable to install OnlyOffice Document Server.

I believe the issue is related to port 8000 because this port is already in use by other services, and the OnlyOffice document service is also attempting to run on that port. However, despite changing the port during the installation of the document service using the following command: ‘onlyoffice-documentserver.exe /DS_PORT=<PORT_NUMBER>’, I’m still encountering this error. Can you please help me understand why this error is occurring?


  "services": {

    "CoAuthoring": {

      "sql": {

        "dbHost": "localhost",

        "dbPort": "5432",

        "dbUser": "onlyoffice",

        "dbPass": "onlyoffice",

        "dbName": "onlyoffice"


      "redis": {},

      "server": {

        "port": "8000"


      "utils": {

        "utils_common_fontdir": "C:/Windows/Fonts"


      "token": {

        "enable": {

          "request": {

            "inbox": true,

            "outbox": true


          "browser": true


        "inbox": {

          "header": "Authorization"


        "outbox": {

          "header": "Authorization"



      "secret": {

        "inbox": {

          "string": ""


        "outbox": {

          "string": ""


        "session": {

          "string": ""





  "rabbitmq": {

    "url": "amqp://guest:guest@localhost"


  "license": {

    "license_file": "C:/ProgramData/ONLYOFFICE/Data/license.lic"


  "storage": {

    "fs": {

      "secretString": "WKQVAU8GQzCCuvtCgY9i"




Hello @ajay

Please make sure that all necessary ports are open and available for Document Server.
Complete list of ports used by Document Server you can find here:

Alternatively, try to run installation on a clean machine to make sure that all ports are available.