Installing Only Office - Newbie


I’m new to OnlyOffice and have questions around installation. Hoping I can learn from others. I’ve been reading some of the documentation and it looks like the install installs MySQL and Postgre database servers on the same system. This seems like a area where bottlenecking and performance could become a concern. Am I overthinking that or should those really be installed on separate servers and then the installation point to those servers? Is that even allowed or supported?

Any insight would be appreciated. The install will be Windows based (sorry, my Linux skills are not strong enough to run it company wide, if the POC is successful).


Hello @cavj1
Sorry for the late reply, we are checking the situation.
I will come back as soon as possible.

It seems that it should work. During the installation step of prerequisites, please uncheck MySQL. This way, the database won’t be installed locally. Instead there will be a new window with a suggestion to specify an external database.

As for Postgres, you need to change default.json file, this section:

"sql": {
                                "type": "postgres",
                                "tableChanges": "doc_changes",
                                "tableResult": "task_result",
                                "dbHost": "localhost",
                                "dbPort": 5432,
                                "dbName": "onlyoffice",
                                "dbUser": "onlyoffice",
                                "dbPass": "onlyoffice",
                                "charset": "utf8",
                                "connectionlimit": 10,
                                "max_allowed_packet": 1048575,
                                "pgPoolExtraOptions": {}
  • edit line "type": "postgres", to necessary type in case if you have installed some other DB type. Supported types: postgres, mariadb, oracle or mysql
  • edit "dbPort" and dbHost to necessary values
    *restart all Document server services in the Windows Services.

Create necessary tables in the connected database via script. For Postgres: server/schema/postgresql/createdb.sql at 7d2104f16e0cda9cdb11002c581a8792e9e915d7 · ONLYOFFICE/server · GitHub
Scripts for other DB types are here: server/schema at 7d2104f16e0cda9cdb11002c581a8792e9e915d7 · ONLYOFFICE/server · GitHub

However, I’m not sure that I understand the statement about ‘bottlenecking’ on the Windows server. If you have run some tests and faced an issue, please share the details, we will check it out.

Thank you. The bottlenecking that I am afraid of happening is if the OnlyOffice server is under heavy use, what does the performance look like with the entire stack on one server? For the POC I don’t think it will be necessary to split things out but for production it might. Thank you for the information above. BTW…we are looking at about 200 users hitting the server at once so that is what I’m trying to think about now.

Hello @cavj1
I do believe that there won’t be any issue with bottlenecking for 200 users. You can check out our stress test report (ONLYOFFICE Docs 7.2.2. stress test report): White papers and datasheets | ONLYOFFICE
Moreover, you can deploy Document server on the separate server and connect it to Workspace via Workspace settings. This way, you will have 2 separate servers (Workspace, installed without Document server and the Document server itself). You can run the Workspace installation without Document server easily on docker: Installing server version with additional script parameters - ONLYOFFICE

However, I do believe that 200 user won’t provide any issues if your server matches hardware requirements.

Thank you. So we are running into a bit of an issue when installing the SSL cert on the server. After we follow the directions to install the SSL cert everything breaks. When we try to go to the URL of the server we get 504 Gateway Time-Out openresty/

Before the SSL cert install you could get to the server webpage.

The SSL cert is a public wildcard cert so the chain is valid. It is not self-signed.

In our lab, we temporarily disabled the Windows firewall to see if that would clear it up but that didn’t help at all. That tells us that isn’t blocking anything.

Any ideas?

Thank you…

Hello @cavj1
Is the portal still available via IP address or HTTP? Additionally, please clarify version of your DocSpace portal and collect the logs from this path: Program Files (x86)\Ascensio System SIA\DocSpace\Logs
One more thing, please try to check your SSL using this tool: SSL Checker


The portal should be available via http but isn’t – only the animated onlyoffice stacking animation appears (“thinking”). SSL Checker won’t work from outside – it’s an internal POC with no external DNS. Internal access to the server URL displays the same stacking animation. Version is OnlyOffice DocSpace Enterprise 2.6.812 (downloaded 8/5/24)

Which logs are needed? Their is a lot in that folder and I’m not sure if/what I want on a forum.


Hello @cavj1
You can send the logs via PM (private message), we need the entire folder. I have increased your forum level, so you are able to contact me directly now.

Hello @cavj1
Thank you for the logs, we are looking into them.
Just to clarify the situation. Do I understand it right that the portal works until you implemented SSL certificate?

Correct, once the SSL cert is implemented it blows up.

Thank you, we are checking the situation.

Hello @cavj1
Please provide us with additional information:

  • OpenResty logs. They should be located here: C:\OpenResty\logs
  • Go to Windows Services and show us statuses of all DocSpace services, and Mysql, RabbitMQ, OpenResty as well.
  • Go to the Prompt and run curl portal_address (domain name\ip address). Please let us know the result.

curl command:

301 Moved Permanently

301 Moved Permanently



Thank you! We are checking the situation.

Hello @cavj1
Please try the following steps:

  • Please try to start all DocSpace services.
  • the provided logs contain error entries related to c:\software\2024\wildcard_professionalrisk_com.crt. Please double check this file and its access rights.
  • are the certificates placed in onlyoffice-proxy.conf file?
  • We can run a test by reverting the portal to HTTP and then switching to HTTPS again. To revert the changes, you can run this script: docspace-ssl-setup.ps1 --default

All services start successfully.

I get a different error now:

Application error: a server-side exception has occurred (see the server logs for more information).

Digest: 3387483639

the logged in user has permissions to the folder that has the crt file in it.

I’m searching for the onlyoffice-proxy.conf file now to check it. Will update again.

It should be located here: \OpenResty\conf
Please let us know the current situation and the steps you have performed.