Installation for allinkl

Type of installation of Workspace (docker, deb/rpm, exe, please point us to the installation guide that you used as well):

  • I don’t know, my provider allinkl has ftp. as an upgrade I can use shell prompts - is that neccessary?
    has anyone experience with installation on allinkl?

Hello @sunshineweb

We do not have any specific guides for the installation of ONLYOFFICE Workspace on All Inkl provider servers. All installation guides are available in our Help Center, please check them out:

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Do you know if there is a way just with uploading (and editing) files via ftp? Or is ssh neccessary?

I’m quite following the question. Workspace allows you to upload files directly into it via web interface. No SSH or FTP protocol needed.

thx, that is clear.
my question aimed for installation:
I’d like to know if I can install that just with via ftp. or is ssh for installation neccessary?

Sorry, my bad. To install Workspace you need to get access to the terminal if the server to run the script. You cannot simply put all functional files of the app on the server to make them work.

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to run the script I would need root permissions. that is not allowed at all-inkl.
might there also be a way to install only office on a shared server?