I install the documentserver V8.2 faild!
Document Server version: v8.2
Type of installation of the Document Server : install document
OS:debian bookworm in WSL
Browser version: none
Additional information: none
Hello @crazyPlant,
- What is the version of the Document Server that you are trying to install?
- What is the OS?
I’m using the Debian Bookworm system on WSL, I used to hope to combine the existing nginx and pgsql but failed, so I reinstalled a Debian Bookworm and followed the official documention step by step but still have the same problem. I’m in mainland China, and I’m wondering if it’s a network issue.
Please clarify, what is the version of the OS?
You can also try installing Document Server with Docker - https://hub.docker.com/r/onlyoffice/documentserver
Before the installation please open the following file - nano /var/lib/dpkg/info/onlyoffice-documentserver-ee.postinst
After set -e
set -x
Launch the install and send us the full console output
Thanks, it suddenly worked yesterday after I changed my network environment, it was probably a network issue.
Alright, glad to know that the issue has been resolved