Install docker community-server not work

I am Installing ONLYOFFICE Docs Community Edition for Docker on my local server.
the docker version is:

Docker version 19.03.5, build 633a0ea

I follow the install docs Installing ONLYOFFICE Docs for Docker on a local server - ONLYOFFICE

run the following command to start a service:

sudo docker run -i -t -d -p 8090:80 --restart=always -e JWT_SECRET=false onlyoffice/documentserver

it look like no network port is listening

what is the problem?
what should I do?

Hello @samwell

Try updating your Docker to the version 23 or higher.
By the way, have you tried accessing the application via browser? Does it return any error/warning?

thanks, I add the “–net host” option and solve the problem.

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