In the Community version I can't add an external link to a folder, there is an option to grant external user access for files only. Really need external link access for folders - it doesn't work! Also adding multiple external links doesn't work

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Hi @Ann
Can I ask you to provide more details about the issue and specify the product you are using?

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Yeah, sure. In the photo is the version we’re using: Version Also, having studied this information, per the link (Sharing files and folders - ONLYOFFICE) , I can’t add multiple external links for a file and also can’t add external links for file folders.

That is, I can’t add an external user via a link to a folder.

Can only add links for external users to an individual file, and only one link at that. But the instructions on the site say that I can add an unlimited number of external links to documents.


  • The current version of Community Server is 12.6.
  • Could you please confirm if you have the “Sharing settings > Enable external link access” option enabled? (This setting is configured by the portal administrator)

I also have this issue. Both my sharing settings are checked yes.
I am running this in docker on an intel NUC.

my error in logs is as follows:
2024/06/17 00:57:22 [error] 7870#7870: *108 open() “/var/www/onlyoffice/documentserver/web-apps/apps/documenteditor/main/[object HTMLCollection]” failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: , request: “GET /8.0.1-31/web-apps/apps/documenteditor/main/[object%20HTMLCollection] HTTP/1.1”, host: “”, referrer: “”

I was digging through the files and it looks like there are none located at /var/www.
The docker install moves everything to /app/onlyoffice. Even then I can’t find my files.

It would be great if I could add a new location to store files and have the external link access point to the correct location

Hello @applesoff :wave:

I didn’t quite understand your issue.
Let’s clarify a few details:

  1. Are you unable to open a document through an external link?

  2. Please show that your Sharing settings are enabled.

  3. Open the Document Editor => open browser developer tools (F12 in Chrome/Firefox) => refresh the editor page and check if there are errors in Console and Network tabs. If yes, attach a screenshot.

  4. Which version of Community Server are you using?

  1. Please provide a user case for a better understanding of your need.