Import data from ONLYOFFICE Docs Community spreadsheets to Apache Superset


We are using ONLYOFFICE Docs Community (Docker image if this is important). This is really amazing product! Thank you for it!

Currently i have some data in OnlyOffice Spreadsheets and i want to access it from my Apache Superset instance to use them on dashboard.

Is there any way to do it using some API calls or, may be, to arrange some kind of automatical export in JSON (or any kind of structured format)?

Thank you very much!

Hi @lsd_dev :handshake:

Unfortunately, such an option is not available.

Hi @Nikolas !

Thank you for your reply!

Will this function be available in future?

I’ll clarify!

Beforehand, I’m afraid there isn’t.

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@lsd_dev :saluting_face:
Here are 2 news pieces for you:

We have methods ToJSON and FromJSON, but currently they are implemented for document editor, converting various objects into a JSON object:

There’s a suggestion to implement ToJSON and FromJSON methods for tables. Unfortunately, the timeline for this implementation is currently unknown

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Hi, Nikolas!

Thank you so much for information!