Import CSV, date shows as random numbers

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OS version: Kubuntu 23.10
App version:
Downloaded from: FlatPak

I have these dates in CSVs I downloaded from two different sites.
The csvs are UTF-8.
The dates are in the format: yyyy-mm-dd

But when I open them and use the csv import prompt, the date get turned to numbers. But are still recognized as dates. But has the format: ##.##.####

Date Fields open in LibreOffice:

start_period end_period
2023-11-01 2023-11-30
2023-11-01 2023-11-30
2023-11-01 2023-11-30
2023-10-01 2023-10-31
2023-11-01 2023-11-30
2023-10-01 2023-10-31

Open in OO:

start_period end_period
05.05.7353 13.04.7361
05.05.7353 13.04.7361
05.05.7353 13.04.7361
08.11.7344 25.01.7353
05.05.7353 13.04.7361
08.11.7344 25.01.7353

Hello @TxTechnician

Recently, there was a topic about issues with opening .csv files.

You can take a look there, the provided solution might help.

  • If not, please provide the .csv file for us to check the issue on our end.

Any progress been made on this problem?


Unfortunately, no changes have been made regarding the bug for now :face_in_clouds: