Illegal characters in document titles?

I noted that when I saved a document with a title that included a forward slash (/) – as in, e.g., “Computer/Tech” – the forward slash was converted to a colon in the files directory (user main page).

Is the “/” an illegal character in a filename?

Hello @mk7z

Please specify version of Desktop Editors that is used and information about OS of the device where this behavior occurs. I’ve tested it with actual version 8.0.1 on MacOS 14.4 and didn’t manage to reproduce the issue.

If possible record a small video demonstration of exact steps to reproduce it.

Thanks, I’m using v.8.0 (Desktop Editors version, I think).
Mac OS 10.15.7 (Catalina)
Brave (browser) v. 1.67.90.

I have experimented with this several times. Each time the forward slash is replaced with a colon. Moreover, there appears to be no sync between document titles in OnlyOffice and in the Finder, because the Finder version doesn’t replace the forward slash. So I end up with two slightly different titles for the same document.

I’ll have to review how to do a video ‘screenshot’ later, I never do those because I can never see what’s going on in them anyway (both text and images are always too small).

So when saving file and giving it a name with a slash it is correctly saved in Finder but when opened in Desktop Editors slash is replaced with colon, is that correct?

You can provide a side by side comparison screenshot of file name display in Finder and Desktop Editors, i.e. capture Finder with file that is also opened in Desktop Editors. However, seeing whole process of naming a file and demonstrating the issue would be much more helpful to visually understand described behavior.

So when saving file and giving it a name with a slash it is correctly saved in Finder but when opened in Desktop Editors slash is replaced with colon, is that correct?

Yes. I’ll try to get to whatever is needed when I can but the only item of relevance here, which I can’t describe as a major one, is the non-recognition (or refusal) of a forward slash character [/] and substitution of a colon [:] instead.

If you’re not seeing the same occurring in the Docs app in Desktop Editors – i.e., when the forward slash character is used in the centered title at the top of the page – then this will remain mysterious (at least for the time being).

(I can’t really ask you to run OO v.8.0 in Catalina.)

I am looking forward for the demonstration video.