Ideas for keyboard shortcut improvements in Spreadsheet

I am a heavy & proficient Excel user and do 95% of the commands using keyboard shortcuts. I think OnlyOffice is already quite good with keyboard shortcuts (e.g. “Alt + letters” to navigate the ribbon) but there are a few improvements I’d like to suggest:

  1. Adjust the ribbon navigation (Alt + letters) to more closely match Excel. Some examples for Excel ribbon shortcuts I use daily:
  • alt + hsb/hsbr/hsbl/hsbo/hsbs/hsbn for borders (bottom, right, left, top, all sides, none)
  • alt + hal/har/hac for align left/right/center
  • alt + hm for merge and center
  • alt + hw for wrapping text
  • alt + ag/au for grouping/ungrouping rows and columns
    This is just an example, there’s many more. I noticed that OnlyOffice has slightly different shortcuts and I think it would be better to match the Excel ribbon shortcuts if possible. Many people are proficient with Excel’s shortcuts but very few want to re-learn them for OnlyOffice.
  1. Some useful “normal” shortcuts (not ribbon navigation) that are currently missing but present in Excel:
  • ctrl + d/r for dragging down/right the current cell (i.e. copy-pasting the current cell into the selected cells below or to the right)
  • alt + est/esv/esf/esc to paste only style/values/formulas/comments
  • alt + oca/hoa to automatically fit the column width/row height to the cell contents
  1. (Alternative) Ability to define your own keyboard shortcuts, both for keys pressed at the same time (like press Ctrl + D at the same time) or pressed in a sequence (like while pressing Alt you press O then C then A). This would solve all the other requests people may have and if you have an ability to export/import custom shortcuts it would even be possible to a member of the community to create a carbon copy of all of the Excel shortcuts (as long as the corresponding features exist in OnlyOffice of course). This would be a major differentiator compared to e.g. LibreOffice and would make it much easier for experienced people who don’t want to re-learn all shortcuts to change from Excel to OnlyOffice.

Hi @Keep4758
Thanks for making your suggestion and for the detailed information.

We need some time to discuss the situation internally. I will update this thread when we have something to share.

Hey @Keep4758

Sorry for the delay in responses :upside_down_face:

We have registered your suggestion to add the ability to choose a combination of hot keys to the user independently under the number 48987.

Came to say the same thing. Experienced Excel user the missing CMD + D/R ends up being a deal breaker. My suggestion would be to have the default shortcuts as closely as possible to Excel. Customizability is positive, but IMHO Excel similarity is a must.

Hello @ccrvlh,

I apologize for the delay.

I have added your request to @Keep4758 proposal.
Unfortunately, there is no timeline for the implementation of this feature at the moment. As soon as it is implemented, I will notify you.

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@Nikolas thanks for this.

Not sure if opening a new issue is the best course of action, but from what I understand this has been registered as a “Ability to choose a combination of hot keys”. I’d like to suggest a different approach:

“Implement basic compatibility with basic Excel keyboards”

This can get tricky since it’s hard to say what “basic” means, but I’d imagine that having the most common ones would already solve the majority of issues more advanced users have.


Hello @ccrvlh
We are discussing this idea within the framework of already registered proposal. Thank you for your sharing!

I second this idea of having compatible keyboard shortcuts between Excel and OnlyOffice. It may be a big detrimental blow to the productivity if one has to learn a new set of keyboard shortcuts while migrating from Excel to OnlyOffice. Any luck so far?

Hello @prasunkhan
We have collected your requested. Unfortunately, we are still working on the mentioned feature (‘Implement the ability for the user to choose a hotkey combination independently’). This will allow you to customize shortcuts as you prefer.
We will update this thread once we have something to share.