I want advice on Optimizing OnlyOffice Cloud for Remote Team Collaboration

Hello OnlyOffice community,

We adopted OnlyOffice Cloud to streamline our document management & collaboration processes. Our goal is to ensure that our team can work efficiently and collaboratively, regardless of their location.

Setup detail
OnlyOffice Cloud Plan= Enterprise.
Number of Users= Approximately 150.
Primary Use Cases= Document editing and sharing, project management, team communication.
Integrated with our existing CRM and project management tools.

When numerous users update the same document at once; we have observed sporadic conflicts and delays in document syncing; Our team needs assistance in utilizing OnlyOffices tools for collaboration to their full potential but we want to make the most of them.

Also We have tried Implemented regular training sessions to familiarize the team with OnlyOffice features. Set up role-based access control to streamline permission management. Encouraged the use of the OnlyOffice mobile app to enhance accessibility.

What strategies or settings can we use to minimize syncing delays and avoid document conflicts when multiple users are editing simultaneously?
Are there best practices for managing document access permissions more efficiently as our team continues to grow?
How can we best leverage OnlyOffices collaboration tools to improve team productivity and communication? Are there any lesser known features that could be particularly beneficial? :thinking:

For additional reference I found this OnlyOffice documentation on collaboration features quite helpful.

Thank you in advance for your assistance! :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello @Amara
We will be glad to assist you. However, we need additional details about the situation.
Please clarify the exact product that you are using and provide us with step-by-step issue scenario. If it’s possible, please reproduce the situation and record a videofile.

P.S. If you have commercial license, it’s better to contact us via Zendesk to get prompt replies.