I use ONLYOFFICE Personal (web) on Firefox to edit my docs/sheets from OneDrive, and I always lose my changes

ONLYOFFICE cloud: Personal
Report a bug: I connect my OneDrive account to ONLYOFFICE.And I use ONLYOFFICE Personal (web) on Firefox to edit my docs/sheets from OneDrive, and I often lose my changes, my changes cannot synchronize to OneDrive. Please fix it.
pictures are here:
1.I edit my documents in OneDrive;
2.All changes saved;
3.I close webpage but sometime I see this icon and i wait a long time, about an hour, this icon is still here, and my changes losed.

Hi @testtpl

This can only mean one thing – someone else is editing this document. (most likely you have another tab open with this document) Please check this (extra users are displayed in the top right corner).

Possible scenarios:

  1. You shared an external link to the document in OnlyOffice Personal (it doesn’t seem so).
  2. You shared an external link to the document in OneDrive (priority for making changes is on the OneDrive side if the user opened an old version of the file through OneDrive and is making their own changes).