I cannot change the font in the spreadsheet when I click in the font box. It is stuck on Calibri 11 pt and won't let me change to any other font. I am using the free version of Only Office

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I cannot change the font in the spreadsheet when I click in the font box. It is stuck on Calibri 11 pt and won’t let me change to any other font. I am using the free version of Only Office

Please provide the following details:

  1. Version of Document Server that you are using
  2. According to which guide did you install Document Server? Please provide the link
  3. Video of issue reproduction with devTools Console and Network tabs opened (F12 for Firefox/Chrome)
  4. Document Server logs (/var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver, for Docker inside the container, for Windows Server - %Program Files%\ONLYOFFICE\DocumentServer\Logs)

If the I open a new spreadsheet it naturally defaults to Calibri 11 pt. Some of the Docs I have produced are set in Aerial 12 pt. Before I downloaded the latest upgrade, I could change the fonts. Now I cannot change the fonts. I can change the size OK. I am not over technical but attach the following screenshot. I am using Mac OS Monterey 12.5. I used Only Office upgrade Version 8.1.0. I selected the Intel version and tried it. I also tried the Apple update. Neither allowed me to change the selected font. As far as I can see it is the intel version that I should select

Hello @Bonsai02
Sorry for the late reply.
Could you please reproduce the situation and record a video file? Additionally, please provide us with your test file, we will take a closer look at it.

Friend, I’m using onlyoffice version and the problem stopped, the font is now changing normally. Watch the video.

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Thank you for the test @Jaimy
Let’s wait if the topic starter comes back with additional information.