HTTPS selfsigned certificate not working (Onlyoffice Groups community ver)

Hi there. I just installed groups server community version on Ubuntu server 18.04 and add my certs to /var/www/onlyoffice/Data/cert and install by script /var/www/onlyoffice/Tools/

NGINX works well, but my desktop app (onlyoffice-desktopeditors) can`t connect to this server by error.

Hello, please provide a screenshot of the error message you see.

I check it twice (web version working without editor functions (no trust CA?))

This is because you installed ONLYOFFICE Groups. This product does not include Document Editors (ONLYOFFICE Docs).
Please remove the currently installed product and install ONLYOFFICE Workspace instead (Groups+Docs).

As for the certificate, it is incorrect to use https + IP address as certificates are assigned to domain names.

But there Switching ONLYOFFICE Groups to HTTPS protocol - ONLYOFFICE another information

Have you obtained a certificate for an IP address or for a domain name?

From OpenSSL.

ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors don’t support self-signed certificates by default. I’d recommend obtaining valid CA-signed certificates. Let’s Encrypt, for example, provides such certificates for free.

As a workaround, you can launch the desktop editors with an additional flag
“C:\Program Files\ONLYOFFICE\DesktopEditors\DesktopEditors.exe” --ignore-certificate-errors