HTTPS not work with onlyofficedoc + Onlyoffice.plone + Plone 6


To be honest, I’m a bit confused by the existing data.

Ensure that the specified domain names resolve correctly on the Plone and Document Server.

From the error:

[2024-05-14T03:19:08.840] [ERROR] [localhost] [cHJlc2VudGF0aW9uLnBwdHhfMjAyNC8wNS8xNCAxMToxOTo1LjYzODE0MyBVUy9DZW50cmFs] [admin] nodeJS - error downloadFile:url=

It is clear that the Document Server cannot retrieve the file from the storage at the URL

After disable JWT and set allowPrivateIPAddress, plone with http + ip (or http + domian) works with onlyoffice https + domian.

So, names resolve is correctly, and network is ok.

But the original problem remains unsolved: plone with https not work with Onlyoffice http/https.

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@JIMYE please send the Document Server logs

Thanks for your great help, https issue sovled with close JWT and changed ssl certificate.

But I have a new problem, the onlyoffice cannot display any double-byte language, like chinese, japanese…please look at the sceen shot:

Do you have any idea about this? thank you!

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention.

  1. Could you please create a separate topic for this problem?
  2. Please provide a file that demonstrates the issue with displaying double-byte symbols.

Thank you! I have created a new topic: Onlyoffice Docs cannot display any double-byte symbols, like chinese, japanese - #5 by JIMYE

I found this display issue occurred after onlyoffice switched to https, maybe you can shed some light on it.

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