How to use MYSQL8.0 to install ONLYOFFICE

How to use MYSQL8.0 to install ONLYOFFICE. I have installed Windows Server 2019, but I cannot connect to MYSQL.

Hello @xblvshe

Could you specify what problem do you have exactly?

If you have troubles with installation of ONLYOFFICE Docs please refer to the official guide on how to install Document Server on Windows:

Note: MySQL is not required to run Document Server and only after installation is complete you can change the database in local.json config located in %ProgramFiles%\ONLYOFFICE\DocumentServer\config.
Next section is responsible for used database choice:

"sql": {
        "type": "postgres",
        "dbHost": "localhost",
        "dbPort": "5432",
        "dbName": "onlyoffice",
        "dbUser": "onlyoffice",
        "dbPass": "onlyoffice"

Edit "dbPort", "dbName", "dbUser" and "dbPass" with credentials of the created MySQL database and change "type" string to "mysql" to make Document Server run via MySQL.
After that save changes and restart ONLYOFFICE DocumentServer Converter and Docservice in Windows Services.