How to send doc link or dock by mail?

I have a document (word\pdf…)

How to send a document by mail from OnlyOffice.

Also, can I send a link from a doc to view only that document?

Document Server version: Cloud onlyoffice
OS: ChromeOS
Browser version: Versie 116.0.5845.210 (Officiële build) (32-bits)

hey @Lyo :wave:

Please specify which ONLYOFFICE product are you using?
Personal / DocSpace / Workspace

From interface Document Editor or interface Document Manager?

I have no idea what you talking about. I have the app and web office.

When I open the app the first tab is documents. But I need to know how to do it in the tab my rooms and my archive.

Yust how to.

I think I have the free personal? It tells me Office Documents?

got it

You need to download the document locally and then send it to the user via email.

I don’t have those options on my Chromebook.


Hi @Lyo

From your screenshot, it is visible that you are using ONLYOFFICE DocSpace.

Currently, the option to share a document via a link is not available. This feature will be added in the upcoming releases of DocSpace.

The provided video demonstrated the ability to share a document via a link in the ONLYOFFICE Workspace product.

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Is this also free for personal use and how to install \ use on a chromebook?

I apologize for the confusion. If you can describe your goal, I can suggest a product that might be suitable for your needs.

ONLYOFFICE Workspace Community Edition is available for free
You can install it on your own server.

Very much need DocSpace to support generating independent sharing links for individual documents, allowing anonymous users to join collaboration through the links


@touma @Lyo

Great news!
It’s already scheduled for the upcoming DocSpace release :spiral_calendar: