How to open .oform or .docxf with double click

I would like know if it’s possible open .oform or .docxf files with sigle or double click within ONLYOFFICE itself.
Now, when I click on .ofrom or .docxf file, ONLYOFFICE wants only save the file local.
Thanks in advance

Hello @uncleduck
Could you please specify ONLYOFFICE Solution you use? (Desktop Editors, Personal, Workspace cloud etc.)

Hello Kate, i’m sorry for my forget.
We have " ONLYOFFICE Workspace Enterprise Edition", but I have this problem also with Desktop Editors

Hello @uncleduck
Thank you for the clarification!
When you click .oform or .docxf files within file manager it opens for editing without any problems.

Could you please send us a screencapture video or a screenshot demonstrating the issue?

Thanks to you.
I know if I click in downloaded file it will be correctly open for editing, but I would like know if it’s possible open it without the step “Save as…”, like show in linked video. Let me know if you have problem to watch it

Screencapture video

Hello @uncleduck

Thank you for the provided video! Unfortunately, we can’t reproduce the issue.

Could you please specify the versions of the installed ONLYOFFICE components.

Our technical specialists also ask you to provide us with a test account on your portal. If it’s possible, please contact me via PM.