How to obtain the data returned by callCommand?

Document Server version:7.1.1
Hello, I’m using vue2 + onlyoffice to make plugins.
I would like to know how to return data in callCommand

  1. I tried callCommand(func, isClose, isCalc, callback) in the callback returns undefined,
  2. Also try to add the parameter to the callback function is undefined.
  3. I also tried to define an Asc.scope.cellKeyNameData = 1 in callCommand, change the value to 2 in the callCommand function and return Asc.scope.cellKeyNameData to callback, the result is read Asc.scope.cellKeyNameData = 1
  4. I also tried to use localStorage.setItem() in the callCommand and read it on the web page, but the storage address of localStorage.setItem() is the address of onlyofficeDocument, not the address of the page, so the data cannot be interconnected.
  5. I have also used Vuex but it doesn’t, for the same reason as 4
        function () {
            let cellKeyNameData = [];

            let oDocument = Api.GetDocument();

            let oTable = oDocument.GetAllTablesOnPage(0)[0];
            console.log("oTable", oTable);

            let oTableRow = oTable.GetRow(0);
            console.log("oTableRows", oTableRow);

            let oTableCell = oTable.GetCell(1, 4).GetContent().GetRange().GetText();
            console.log("oTableCell", oTableCell);

            let oTableCellIamgeTag = oTable.GetCell(0, 6).GetContent().GetElement(0).GetTag();

            for (let i = 0; i < oTable.GetRowsCount(); i++) {

                for (let j = 0; j < oTable.GetRow(i).GetCellsCount(); j++) {
                    let curRow = oTable.GetRow(i)

                    let curCell = curRow.GetCell(j)
                    let curCellRange = curCell.GetContent().GetRange();
                    let curCellRangeText = curCellRange.GetText();
                    let curCellContent = curCell.GetContent();
                    if (curCellRangeText != "" && curCellRangeText.trim() !== "") {

