I am trying to scan texts for the whole doc and then highlight them
First, I use
connector.callCommand(function () {
let oDocument = Api.GetDocument();
let paragraphs = oDocument.GetAllParagraphs();
paragraphs[xxx in loop].GetText()
to get all texts
Then, call some interface to scan and return hit texts and its range
Unfortunately, at the moment, the only way to “highlight” text using your scenario is to add a background to the text in the document (creating a modification in the document).
I’ve forwarded your idea/suggestion to our developers.
The question of the implementation timeline arises here. The task will have a standard priority, and I won’t be able to provide you with specific timelines for its implementation.
We have submitted a proposal to implement a method for highlighting text without modifying the document.
Unfortunately, we don’t have an exact timeline for this yet, but we will notify you as soon as it is implemented.